Make your organisation known as a leading example of equality and diversity in the workplace
We are Chief Advisors to organisations who want to develop EDI awareness, create a culture of respect for every individual, and develop a positive ripple effect for the organisation’s target audiences.
The role includes consultancy, organisational development and culture change programmes.
We help people to think better, to feel inspired and be empowered to make a difference, creating the change and delivering the results that they want to make happen.
Aims vary depending on the people and the goals within each unique organisation and the agreed project brief.
Generally speaking, aims are about how to enable individuals and teams create a compassionate, high-performing inclusive and purpose-driven organisation; how to help teams create and capture value in the workplace and - how to create diversity and collaboration to embed into a inclusive environment for every individual.
People in organisations such as managers, programme leads, directors, chairs, line managers, team leaders, human resource management, organisational development management, businesses, company executives, researchers, project managers or other consultants looking for our specific expertise in EDI.
We work with many different organisations on projects such as community initiatives, local government projects, NGOs and in arts and culture organisations.
We are based in the Midland of the UK. We work with clients across the country - and internationally - via Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
We start with a consulting session and look at a framework of needs. This may be a half-day or a full day session. Or, we start with presentations on EDI and/or a company culture presentation. Our programmes are flexible and interchangeable according to the unique needs of each and every client.
People and companies that work on and develop a reputation for being compassionate, address biases, have self awareness, restorative and justice practices.
Yes. Language is always evolving so it’s important to get language and messages about equality, gender, race and class equity across appropriately.
Mentoring and coaching is an important part of our work too, helping people to develop, to feel connected and empowered to EDI values.